Gospel of John
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Product Information
Gutenberg-Bibel II/235, The Gospel of John (1,1-15): »In principio erat verbum«
»In the beginning was the Word«This page from the first printed book in the world is a wonderful gift for all those who work in modern or historic media. Our print is beautiful in its simplicity and clear design. A real typographic finesse: The red lines of the left and right columns, together with the centre margin, form a cross across the page.
Our variants
- Standard
Ribbed deckle-edge paper, format 42 x 30 cm
Three-colour press prints produced on historical Gutenberg Museum machines (Original Heidelberg Cylinder) in three different print runs on mechanically-produced, hand-torn, ribbed deckle-edge paper. The outlines of ornamentation are also printed.
- Hand-coloured
Ribbed deckle-edge paper, format 42 x 30 cm, frame format 48 x 36 cm
The standard pages (see above) are coloured by hand by our artists using tempera and gold inks.
- Hand-gilded
Format ca. 45 x 32 cm, frame format 54 x 43 cm
These high-quality prints are produced as a handpress print in three colours on the Korrex Hannover on handmade paper bearing the Gutenberg Museum watermark. Finely embossed gold embellishments are added to the tempera ink colouring using a skill very few artists still master. A base material is applied to the paper layer by layer in an elaborate and time-consuming process to form a platform for the 22-carat gold leaf. This raises the ornaments from the surface of the paper to perfectly display the elegant shimmer of real gold. - Deluxe (Berlin Bible)
- Deluxe (Göttingen Bible)