The Gutenberg Shop

Supporting us with your purchases

The Gutenberg Shop is run by the Gutenberg Foundation, a non-profit organisation. Volunteers work in all of the departments. Together, we aim to increase the standing of Johannes Gutenberg worldwide and support the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, Germany.

All profits from the Gutenberg Shop go to the Gutenberg Museum, the world museum of printing. 

Preserving old craft techniques

Our products are created with great care in terms of design and craftsmanship. We use materials that have been used in connection with the art of printing since time immemorial, such as paper, colour, wood, leather and metal.

We produce almost exclusively in Germany and Europe and promote old cultural techniques such as papermaking, writing, engraving, bookbinding and, of course, letterpress printing. We would also like to emphasise book illumination, which is experiencing a new heyday in our valuable reproductions of individual pages of the Gutenberg Bible.

Sustainability right from the start

Sustainability and constant monitoring of the quality of our products and our sources of supply have been important to us since the Gutenberg Shop was founded almost 30 years ago. With every purchase in the Gutenberg Shop, you acquire products of the highest quality and certified origin. You also become a supporter of old cultural techniques and the Gutenberg Museum

Catalogue - Webshop - Social Media - Shop - How to find us: 

Dear customers, we will be happy to send you a price list on request.
Dear retailers, please ask for our reseller conditions. 

You can find detailed information about our products in the Gutenberg shop catalogue. You can order directly online here via our webshop. Do you love our products? 

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 Let us fascinate you with the magic of the finest book illumination, perfect craftsmanship and the beauty of the Gutenberg Bible! 

 Your team at the Gutenberg Shop

The team - volunteering as a principle

We would like to thank them for their tireless and dedicated work!  

To our volunteers:  
Ursula Agsten-Busch, Gudrun Albrecht, Ulrike Altmann, Dieter Becker, Thomas Becki, Monika Buniwer-Conradi, Tamara Diehl, Henriette Greiner-Haag, Karin Hartmann, Freya Heynen, Thomas Hilka, Hiltrud Hinnenberg, Angela Hofmann-Müller, Sonja Knobling, Markus Kohz, Christa Leicht, Barbara Martin, Evelyn Meder, Vera Mohr, Heinz Noack, Karin Reichert, Maria Scherer, Margret Sprenger, Klara Weckert, Frank Wegener, Hans Winterholer, Rolf Zimmer 

To our alumni: 

Helga Averdung, Marianne Behrendt, Gisela Bendle, Rosemarie Berger, Kristina Bleuel, Lena Böttjer, Karin Borsotti, Ursula Breitbart, Doris Brümmer, Maria Ehm, Christine Epple, Heidrun Erdmann, Ulrike Fell-Naab, Christina Fischer-Hart, Gabriele Fuhr, Sonja Geppert, Inge Gohr, Ines-Andrea Graf, Vinzent Hagen, Lea Hannappel, Christine Hawner, Inge Hildebrandt, Anke Hillen, Ute Hoffmann, Lena Hofmann, Gisela Hopmann, Esther Horn, Katja Horn, Marion Hoss, Ingrid Hügel, Vivian Jeenel, Helga Johann, Helga Klann, Lea Kemper, Emily Klee, Ingrid Klusmann, Sarah Kremerskothen, Ursula Krümpelmann, Veronika Lauter, Brigitte Leikert, Inge Leutelt, Giesela Magin, Adelheid Mathis, Klaus Maurer, Brigitte Merkle, Regina Metternich, Irmtraud Metzler, Reinhilde Meuer, Elisabeth Meyer, Erna Müsch, Timo Nahler, My Nguyen, Ria Persch, Christa Redeke, Ursula Ries, Ute Rüst, Jutta Scharlach, Annette Schell, Roswitha Schell, Margarete Schlier, Marieluis Schmitz, Elfi Scholz, Barbara Schultz, Vera Semmler-Volz, Renate Severin, Gabriele Simon, Jutta Simon, Eva Sohar, Karin Springborn, Käthe Stärz, Katharina Stammer, Dr. Ursula Stechele, Doris Stein, Bina Stutz, Heidemarie Tonndorf, Bettina Türi, Gabriele Valentin, Inese Vieško, Gabriele Wagner, Margrit Walker, Helga Walther, Elke Walz, Irmtraut Wedekind, Marianne Weiß, Carolin Wenzel. 

Would you also like to volunteer for Johannes Gutenberg and the Gutenberg Museum?  

The Gutenberg Shop is supported by around 30 volunteers. They sell in the shops, help in the office and, if necessary, also in the warehouse. They are just as active at the museum's trade fair appearances as they are at festive galas or book markets. Out of idealism, they give the Gutenberg Museum the most precious thing of all - their time. Our team in the Gutenberg shops would be delighted to welcome new members. If you enjoy selling and dealing with people, please get in touch! By telephone Tue-Fri from 9 am to 1 pm and by appointment on 06131-9060110 or by e-mail to cordier(at)

Why volunteer for Gutenberg?

Christine Epple: "I would like to help the Gutenberg Museum and therefore also my city of Mainz in times of empty coffers with my small voluntary contribution, which also involves working with beautiful things and nice people."
Christa Leicht: "I want to support the Gutenberg Museum by working one day a week in the shop. Many helpers are needed on the way to a modern, sustainable world museum. Nice customers come into the shop and there are beautiful and unusual things; and all this in the shadow of the cathedral."
Monika Buniwer-Conradi: "I volunteer at the Gutenberg Shop because I've always been a bookworm and without Gutenberg's invention, reading would certainly not be possible in so many different ways today."