Gutenberg Bible I/1, Epistle of Jerome to Paulinus:
»Frater Ambrosius...«
The Gutenberg Bible opens with a letter by church father Jerome to the priest Paulinus. He outlines the holy scriptures and writes that in study
»you can make no progress unless you have a guide to show you the way«. He therefore asks Paulinus to devote himself to a life of piety, to place his trust in a mentor and to himself work as an interpreter. The text in this form is found neither in the Latin Vulgate nor in modern-day Bibles. The large, elaborately designed initial
»Frater Ambrosius«
shows a scholar with a blue robe handing an open book to a tonsured young man cloaked in red. One interesting detail in the original is the smudged ink blot in the lower margin that looks like a headless bird. Our artist has turned this into a little songbird
complete with head!The manufacture of our deluxe page Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great concentration by the artist
just like in the 15th century. The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand (rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally, the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished. Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorageOur deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its manufacture is also included. Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer strip between the glass and the passe-partout. Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two weeks.
Gutenberg Bible I/5, Genesis (First Book of Moses 1,1–30):
»In principio creavit deus...«In six days, God created the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, water and land, plants, animals and people. We offer this famous passage from the Good Book in two deluxe versions based on the Göttingen and Berlin copies of the Gutenberg Bible. Both are heralded as the surviving Bibles with the most beautiful illumination. The initial
of in
»In principio creavit deus...«
fills the left margin and depicts the story of Creation in six medallions. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible I/5, Genesis (First Book of Moses 1,1–30):
»In principio creavit deus...«In six days, God created the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, water and land, plants, animals and people. We offer this famous passage from the Good Book in two deluxe versions based on the Göttingen and Berlin copies of the Gutenberg Bible. Both are heralded as the surviving Bibles with the most beautiful illumination. The colours of the Göttingen Gutenberg Bible are more muted than those of the Berlin copy. The illumination is purely ornamental, based on a pattern book. The initial I, framed in gold, spans two-thirds of the inner margin. The elegantly curved letter is entwined with arcanthus in sumptuous shades of blue. Vines and flowers in shades of blue, red, pink and green sprout from the top and bottom of the initial. The title of the page is written in small red letters. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cm
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible I/280, The Book of Job (1,1-7):
»Vir erat in terra us...«
This page of the Gutenberg Bible describes Job's life of prosperity, faith and family harmony. The illumination emulates that of the Berlin State Library copy of the Gutenberg Bible. The ornaments in the centre of the columns culminate in wonderfully ornate tendrils at the bottom of the text. The blue miniature in the initial depicts Job in his misery, with three dogs licking his wounds.The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cm
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible I/293, Psalm 1–4:
»Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum...«
The first volume of the Gutenberg Bible culminates in the
»Liber ymnorium«
or psalter. The illumination in our deluxe version is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. A splendid initial
denotes the start of the first psalm:
»Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked«. The miniature depicts Kind David with his harp. As in the original, the marginal
decoration with foliage, gold inclusions and gold drops merges at the
bottom into a large double volute with columbine and large fruit,
enlivened by a bird, a dragonfly and a peacock. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible I, Psalm 23 (22,18–25,6):
»Domini est terra et plenitudo...«
»The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want...«
These words mark the start of what's perhaps the most famous psalm of David. This page in the Gutenberg Bible is compelling in its simplicity and typographical perfection. The psalm is an ornate and appropriate gift for christenings, bold ventures and new starts in life.
The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cm
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/1: Book of Proverbs (1,1–18)
The second volume of the Gutenberg Bible begins with the Book of Proverbs. The lavishly embellished first page of the Berlin Gutenberg Bible cites the counsel given by Solomon, son of David and king of Israel, to his sons, daughters and subjects to live a life of consideration and faith. The initial
of the prologue fills the inner margin as a broad ornamental border of blue acanthus vines edged in gold. From the lavish tendrills curling along the lower edge of the page a fabulous golden dragon rises up into the centre margin, with the creeper from its mouth forming the initial
. This shows King Solomon with a crown and blue cloak next to a pupil clad in a loincloth. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cm Storage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg-Bibel II/15v: The Song of Songs – Cantica Canticorum (1,1-2,14) This page in the Gutenberg Bible contains the most charming and perhaps best-known Song of Solomon. The gentle, moving and extremely erotic words uttered by young lovers in courtship, so often quoted, are absolutely unparalleled:
»I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys«. The illumination in our handmade reproduction is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. The initial
»Osculetur me...«
depicts the two lovers sitting opposite one another. Tendrills fill the borders with flowers, in particular the aquilegia that represents the Trinity, love and sexual power. A nightingale, the symbol of love and desire, perches atop one of the leaves. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/17: The Book of Wisdom:
»Diligite iustitiam qui iudicatis terram...«
This page in the Gutenberg Bible shows the end of the Song of Songs and the beginning of the Book of Wisdom in the apocryphal part of the Old Testament. It's included in the Septuagint and Vulgate and is considered part of the Bible by Orthodox and Catholic Christians but not by Protestants.The fine, almost restrained illumination in our handmade reproduction is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. The first chapter extols a life of righteousness and faith. The ornaments on this page support this appeal with the acanthus leaf, the symbol of immortality and rebirth as a reward for a life of piety. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/46: The Book of Isaiah (1.1–6):
»Nemo cum prophetas…«
Isaiah describes the desolate situation in Jerusalem, one of chaos and disease similar to that in the lost city of Sodom. He foretells the downfall of the Assyrian and Jewish nations. He's also the first prophet of Israel to proclaim the coming of the Messiah. The Preface of Jerome that precedes this book in the Gutenberg Bible isn't included in modern-day versions of the Good Book. The illumination in our handmade reproduction is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. The page heading is girded by a jay on the right and a hoopoe symbolising thanks to God on the left. The initial N of the prologue shows Isaiah with a saw. An initial V denotes the start of the Book of Isaiah as a blue letter. Tendrils of leaves, flowers and fruit grow from both initials. A tiny monkey clambers up the centre vine. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cm Storage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/70v: The Book of Jeremiah (1,1–10):
»Jeremias propheta…«
»Behold, I have put my words in your mouth«
This print includes the final passage in the Book of Isaiah, the Prologue of Jerome and the first ten verses in Jeremiah 1. God appoints Jeremiah his prophet. The illumination in our handmade reproduction is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. One remarkable attribute here is the rich gilding of the initial
»Jeremias propheta«; this has a rare intricate, raised design with additional illumination on the top layer of gold. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/131v: The Book of Daniel (1,1–18):
»Anno tertio regni Ioachim...«
This page describes Daniel's life at court as a prisoner of King Nebuchadnezzar. It's an ode to a puristic lifestyle, with Daniel existing on a diet of vegetables and water. It extols the virtues of inner composure, diligence and abstinence, with the help of which great goals can be more easily achieved. The initials in the deluxe version show Daniel in the lion's den and a helper bringing him food and drink. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/162: The Book of the Maccabees (1,1–25) The preceding Prologue of Jerome is found in neither the Latin Vulgate nor in modern-day Bibles. The Book of the Maccabees, also not part of today's Bibles, tells the story of the Jew's battle for independence from the Seleucids. The illumination in our reproduction is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. The initial
depicts Judas Maccabeus with a shield. Birds perch in the rich ornamental foliage while an ape clambers up the left-hand margin. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/217v: Gospel of Luke (1,1–11)This page starts with the Prologue of Jerome that is contained in neither the Vulgate nor today's Bibles. It's followed by the preface of Luke the Evangelist and the first verse of his gospel, in which Luke tells of the birth of John the Baptist. In emulation of the illumination in the Berlin Gutenberg Bible, the initial
shows the winged bull as the symbol for Luke. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cm
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/235: Gospel of John (1,1-15):
»In principio erat verbum...«
This page from the world's first printed book is based on the Berlin Gutenberg Bible and is adorned with two initials: in the left-hand column, the four-line prologue initial
shows the eagle of St John on a black background, in the claws a scroll with the inscription
. Arcanthus tendrils in purple, pink and blue with golden spheres grow upwards and downwards from the initial. The 11-line initial
»In principio«
adorns the centre bar as a punched gold stripe, with featherwork radiating up and down the length of the page.The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg-Bibel II/235: Gospel of John:
»In principio erat verbum...«
This page from the world's first printed book is based on the illumination of the Gutenberg Bible in Göttingen. In comparison with the Berlin copy, it has a purely ornamental but no less sumptuous design, based on a model book found in Göttingen.The red lines of the left and right columns appear at the same height and, together with the centre margin, form a cross across the page. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
Gutenberg Bible II/249v: The Letter of Paul to the RomansEnlarged detail, special edition with 150 numbered copies, format
ca. 33 x 28 cm. This detail enlargment is based on the Göttingen copy of the Gutenberg Bible. It shows two decorative initials embedded in the perfect symmetry of Gutenberg's column of text. The illumination is of extraordinary mastery, with each of the precise brushstrokes visible right down to the last detail. The handwritten red header that escapes from the ordered block of text seems particularly authentic. The original scribe obviously did not want to perfectly align his rubrication with the printed column
although there was enough space to do so. Gutenberg, however, always produced absolutely exact columns of text over 1,200 pages
and this using lead type. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.Storage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two weeks.
Gutenberg Bible II/306v: The First Epistle of John (1,1-5)
This page from the Gutenberg Bible contains John's appeal to acknowledge your sins so that God can forgive, plus his instruction to follow the commandments of God in the future.The illumination in our handmade reproduction is based on the Berlin copy of the Gutenberg Bible. The initial
depicts John the Evangelist with the communion chalice. The manufacture of our deluxe page
Our deluxe pages from the Gutenberg Bible are exact
reproductions of the historical originals. It takes days or weeks to produce
them, depending on the richness of the ornamentation, and demands great
concentration by the artist – just like in the 15th century.
The paper for our deluxe pages is handmade with a watermark
and is printed on historical machines owned by the Gutenberg Museum (Korrex
Hannover). As at Gutenberg's workshop, only the text in black is printed, with
everything else added by hand. The beginnings of sentences are accentuated in
red with a quill or brush as upstrokes, with headings also written in by hand
(rubrication). The initials and miniatures are sketched into the empty spaces
left by Gutenberg for this purpose and in the margins. The base substance for
the gold leaf is then applied and the gold laid on top of this. The pages are
illuminated in many layers of ink with fine heightening and shading. Finally,
the last line ornaments are added and the gold polished.
Bible original format: ca. 45 x 33 cmStorage
Our deluxe Bible prints are supplied in a handmade
presentation folder (51 x 39 cm) that perfectly protects the gold leaf. An
informative brochure in English and German on the Gutenberg Bible and its
manufacture is also included.
Our deluxe pages are also available in a dustproof and
airtight frame (57,5-44 cm), which protects the precious gilding with a spacer
strip between the glass and the passe-partout.Please note: Framing extends the delivery time by one to two
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