The Museum Guide to the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz gives detailed informations on many items that can be seen upon a visit to our world-famous museum in Mainz. The museum is dedicated to the fine art of printing and its master Johannes Gutenberg.Available in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.
Das Gutenberg-Museum Mainz. Ein Führer durch das Druck- und Schriften-Museum.
Paperback, 72 pages, Gutenberg-Museum 2019.
Gutenberg for Kids offers on 52 pages all aspects of Gutenbergs inventions and the age of the late Middle Ages he lived in.The guide is suitable for kids from 9 years and older. At the end of each chapter the young readers can improve their knowlwedge in funny quizzes. A detailed glossary explains all the unknown terms. Available in German, English, French, Spanish and Korean. Paperback, 52 pages, Gutenberg-Museum.
The Gutenberg charity shop has proved an invaluable aid to museum
funding for over 20 years. Each article sold includes a donation which
we pass on to the Gutenberg Museum. The shop is chiefly run by
volunteers which helps us to keep costs down. You may also make a donation without buying anything.
The orphan Martin comes to Johannes Gutenberg’s workshop as an apprentice to work under top-secret conditions on the invention of the book printing process. But soon things are stolen from the workshop which pose great danger to the business. When Martin becomes a suspect of this theft himself, he decides to try to find the real thieves. Can the neighbour’s daughter Klara help him? Or is she working with the thieves?This thrilling story about Martin and Klara leads the reader directly into Gutenberg’s 15th century workshop where the printing press invention was made that changed the world. Regine Koelpin and Gitta Edelmann. Johannes Gutenberg und die verschwundenen Lettern. A historic Children’s Mystery. Paperback, 240 pages. Illustrated by Juno Sommer. Gutenberg Foundation 2019.
German edition
The SWR film is regularly screened in the lecture hall of the Gutenberg Museum. It presents the inventor and his achievements in a concise and entertaining way. It was filmed with the professional support of the Gutenberg Museum, also in the museum, that took many of its unique treasures from the showcases for this purpose.
Gutenberg - Leben und Werk. SWR 2013. 15 min.
International versions included: German, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese
Youthful, ambitious Peter Schoeffer is on the verge of
professional success as a scribe in Paris when his foster father, wealthy
merchant and bookseller Johann Fust, summons him home to corrupt, feud-plagued
Mainz to meet “a most amazing man.” Johann Gutenberg, a driven and caustic
inventor, has devised a revolutionary—and to some, blasphemous—method of
bookmaking: a machine he calls a printing press. Fust is financing Gutenberg’s
workshop and he orders Peter to become Gutenberg’s apprentice. Resentful at
having to abandon a prestigious career as a scribe, Peter begins his education
in the “darkest art.”As his skill grows, so too does his admiration for Gutenberg
and his dedication to their daring venture: copies of the Holy Bible. But
mechanical difficulties and the crushing power of the Catholic Church threaten
their work. As outside forces align against them, Peter finds himself torn
between the genius and the merchant, the old ways and the new. He and the men
he admires must work together to prevail against overwhelming obstacles—a
battle that will change history . . . and irrevocably transform them.Alix Christie: Gutenberg's Apprentice. A novel. Paperback, 432 pages. Harper Perennial 2015. English edition
Who was Gutenberg?
Johannes Gutenberg's invention of the printing press has changed the world irreversibly. The reformers' ideas could not have spread so quickly without him and the ability to print with movable letters. What drove him, were they artistic interests or was it more about business? What technical problems did he have to solve before he could print his 42-line Bible?
Gutenberg - Genie und Geschäftsmann. Dokumentarfilm. arte 2016. 85 min. German.
Noch immer das Beste, was wir haben!
Dieser ausführliche Katalog wurde anlässlich der historischen Ausstellung zu Gutenbergs 600. Geburtstag im Jahr 2000 im Mainzer Gutenberg-Museum von der Stadt Mainz herausgegeben. Er beleuchtet sehr facettenreich die Erfindung Gutenbergs und ihre Entstehungszeit. Vor dem Panorama seiner Lebensverhältnisse und der Zeitumstände wird ein differenziertes und präzises Bild vom Erfinder und seiner Leistung vermittelt.Gutenberg. aventur & kunst. Vom Geheimunternehmen zur ersten Medienrevolution. Broschiert, 716 Seiten, Stadt Mainz 2000.
Graphic Novel about Johannes Gutenberg's time in Straßburg 1438, illustrated by Roger Seiter.
Vincent Wagner and Roger Seiter: Gutenberg et le secret de la Sibylle. Hardback, 72 pages, Éditions du Signe 2018. French edition.
Graphic Novel
In 1438, William of Diest, the bishop Strasborg, alerted Pope Eugene IV that numerous copies of Sibyl's Prophecy, a heretical poem by Konrad Schmid, were circulating in his city. What troubled the bishop, was that all the copies were absolutelyy identical, as if the scribe tasked with copying them had been able to reproduce the same text an infinite number of times without the tiniest difference.This intrigued the Pope enough for him to ask his friend Cosimo de' Medici to investigate it. So in December 1438, four Italian cut-throats embarked for Strasbourg. They very quickly focused on a Mainz exile by the name of Johannes Gensfleisch, known as Gutenberg. In reality, with his partners Andreas Dritzehn, Hans Rifle and Andreas Heilmann, Gutenberg had founded an enterprise that was far more mysterious...Graphic Novel about Johannes Gutenberg's time in Straßburg 1438, illustrated by Roger Seiter.
Vincent Wagner and Roger Seiter: Gutenberg and the secret of the Sibyl. Hardback, 72 pages, Éditions du Signe 2018. English edition.
Von Gutenberg zum World Wide Web. Aspekte der Wirkungsgeschichte von Gutenbergs Erfindung - zur Neukonzeption des Mainzer Gutenberg-Museums. Hrsg. von Stephan Füssel. Softcover, 113 pages, Harrassowitz 2022. German edition
A biography of the inventor to mark the 550th anniversary of his death
Few inventions have changed our lives as dramatically as the invention of printing with moveable type. With his first printing press Johannes Gutenberg heralded a new dawn, making mass communication, information and education possible for all. The genius behind the idea has been deeply obscured by the passage of time, however. Only a few details about his life are known. And yet it is possible to rediscover Johannes Gutenberg 550 years after his death. Maren Gottschalk has gone is search of the Man of the Millennium – and of his invention.
Maren Gottschalk: Johannes Gutenberg. Mann des Jahrtausends. Hardback, 160 pages, Böhlau Verlag, 2018. German edition.
At last there is a scientifically accurate, available Gutenberg biography in EnglishStephan Füssel, one of Europe's leading Gutenberg experts, describes Gutenberg's life from his childhood in Mainz to his final years, as well as the history of his impact, in a skilful and detailed manner. This short biography contains everything you need to know about the man who changed the printed word - and the world - forever.
Stephan Füssel: Gutenberg. Translated by Peter Lewis. Paperback, 189 pages, Haus Publishing 2019. English edition.
In c. 1450 an invention changed the world forever: printing with moveable type. Gutenberg’s “work of the books” heralded the dawn of a new age. The written word was no longer the prerogative of the rich. Finally, it was possible to make news and thoughts, ideas and words and particularly education accessible to the general public – a change that was as significant as the invention of the computer or the Internet.In a lively and informative manner author Christine Schulz-Reiss tells the tale of how the hot-headed son of a Mainz patrician became one of the most important inventors in world history. Klaus Ensikat’s masterly illustrations take readers both young and old back to the turbulent days of the Middle Ages and right into Johannes Gutenberg’s workshop.Christine Schulz-Reiss: Johannes Gutenberg und das Werk der Bücher. Hardcover, 36 pages, Kindermannverlag 2018. German edition.
Anyone who believes that there are no more unanswered questions about the person and work of Johannes Gutenberg, that everything has long been known and researched, is probably making a widespread mistake. Since 2018 at the latest, however, people in Mainz should know better:
50 years after the assumed year of death of the patron saint of the university, which was re-founded in 1946, the Department of History organised an interdisciplinary symposium on the "Man of the Millennium" together with the Institute for Historical Regional Studies. Together, they had set themselves the goal of clearing up persistent clichés, scrutinising weak or unsubstantiated statements, putting hypotheses to the test, examining the reliability of much-quoted documents, tracing the reception of the person and his work over the course of time and incorporating all the new sources and insights gained since the major anniversary in 2000.
Published by Michael Matheus, Heidrun Ochs und Kai-Michael Sprenger. Hardcover, 378 pages, Franz Steiner Verlag 2021. German Edition
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