Bohne: The Elephant's Secret
Miniaturbuch aus der Handsatzwerkstatt "Fliegenkopf"
Did you know...
that elephants...
can hover over skyscrapers
can be hatched from an egg
can ride on midges
can jump through the eye of a needle
can fly on the trapeze
can bathe in champagne
can dive in a tea egg
can sleep in a tiny mocca cup
can secretly change into a tram at night
can kiss while balancing, one-legged, on an egg?
Now you know it's up to you to see!
Wilfried Bohne: The Elephant's Secret. Miniaturbuch in englischer Sprache, Format: 4,5 x 4,5 cm, in Kunststoffbox, Umschlag in Elefantenform. Handsatzwerkstatt Fliegenkopf 2001.
Eins von 400 nummerierten und signierten Exemplaren.